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My biography: 
I was born in China, Guangdong Province, Zhu Hai, DuoMen, Xia Zhou Village in 1951. My passion for arts and designs started when I was a little kid. According to my grandmother who I love dearly told me that while other kids were playing at the farm and helping out their family watering their vegetables, I was drawing on the ground with the stick. My mother and I immigrant to Hong Kong when I was at age ten. I met my father the first time in Hong Kong when I was seventeen. My father left us to Cuba when I was three months old. At age twenty, my mother and I immigrant to USA and lived in Philadelphia since 1996. I worked as a waiter in my father’s restaurant, Imperial Inn, from 1974-1978. My passion for arts, designs and Chinese culture which encouraged me to open my own bookstore in 1980 in Philadelphia Chinatown. I got involved in helping the artists and designers from China to build the Gate of the Philadelphia Chinatown. I learned a lot from the Chinese artists and designers during the process of building the gate.
我於1951年出生於中國廣東省珠海市多門下周村。我從小就對藝術和設計充滿熱情。據我所愛的祖母告訴我,當其他孩子在農場玩耍並幫助他們的家人給蔬菜澆水時,我正在用棍子在地上畫。 我和我母親十歲時移民到香港。我十七歲時第一次在香港認識父親。我三個月大的時候,父親就把我們送到了古巴。我的母親和我20歲那年, 移民到美國,自1996年以來一直居住在費城。1974年至1978年,我在父親的餐廳Imperial Inn擔任服務員。我對藝術,設計和中國文化的熱情促使我於1980年在費城唐人街開設了自己的書店。我參與了幫助中國的藝術家和設計師建造費城唐人街之門的工作。在修建大門的過程中,我從中國藝術家和設計師那裡學到了很多東西。

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